Second installment by Roxy Martin-Cottee, Creative Apprentice at the National Museum of the Royal Navy.
Well hello again! It’s been a while since I wrote my first blog, so I thought I’d better get my head down for a few minutes and let you know what’s been going on behind the scenes.
Saturday the 26th June… it seemed so long away when I first started talking about it. I’ve typed it out so many times I can do it without looking at the keys now! But a sudden realisation has just hit me it’s not that far away at all!
Everything’s set, and now it’s down to pulling the last few things together. We are currently corresponding with the companies who are coming down, checking their requirements, and making sure everything will run smoothly. We recently held a meeting to organize the layout of the event, and where to set up the marquees. Those of you who have been to the Dockyards before will know that the Victory Arena is a big space to fill, even with the 20 odd dancers we will be having! WW2 US military vehicles will be on display at the event along with drivers dressed in period costume who will interact with the public, and answer any questions they have. Our field kitchen has been sorted, and demonstrations will be going on throughout the afternoon.
In the last few days I have been looking at decorations and accessories to give the concrete arena a bright fun and welcoming war time tea atmosphere. This was quite an interesting task I must admit. With our big band and lindy hopper dancing going on there should be a real buzz, but just to make sure it has the right look I have been trying to find ways to cheer it up, flags and bunting seem to match. Mind you with HMS Victory as the backdrop, it would be near on impossible to have a boring look to it wouldn’t it?!
I’m really looking forward to getting stuck into the first Armed Forces day I have been lucky enough to help organise. With each decision being finalised and item being delivered, I really can’t help feeling its going to be like stepping back in time. And hopefully I’ll get a chance to talk to some of the veterans too! All we need now is the weather to be good, but living in England, this may be asking too much! I will write again a couple of days before the event, and will be able to give you plenty more bits of juicy information. Why don’t you come along, it’s free!